Tuesday, February 18, 2020

War of Words

Wow! What’s our world coming to? Climate denialists discredit environmental activists, say solar cycles cause temperature fluctuations, and try to convince all to consider Little Ice Age, Maunder Minimum, and Wolf Index. Indeed, fewer sunspots always coincided with colder winters, but exact opposite is now occurring with least count and record highs. Begs question as to what’s really going on. Don’t know? Don’t care?

Wether or not you believe that greenhouse gases can trap heat from escaping into space, despite a 97% global scientific consensus and obvious precedent on nearby 900° Venus, you can’t discount or excuse manifest negligence, which has dumped millions of tons of plastics, putrid streams of nuclear radiation, and tons of toxins into air and seas that increased pulmonary disease and killed coral reefs, schools of fish, and vital plankton. Abandoned factories, arbitrary pesticides, acid rain, clear cuts, garbage dumps, inorganic fertilizers, multilane highways, strip mines, and throw-away mentality have ravaged landscapes. Before Lovelock discovered CFCs were destroying ozone layer, too much smog had already corrupted atmosphere. Hurricanes begin as desert heat from deforested land at man’s hand which causes evaporation over ocean and delivers devastation ever more frequently. Even worse, sheer heat boils off clouds that shelter planet from ultraviolet insolation.

Environment inevitably became a hot topic. For 200,000 years modern humans slowly rose to one billion around planet; in next 200 years they became seven billion; over last 20, they added another billion. China’s one-child-per-family policy curtailed an estimated half billion, but has since been rescinded. Despite some heeding advice of zero population growth, expect another billion in next 2 years. Average life expectancy worldwide has reversed from 72.5 years, the highest of all time. Until now how many children, men and women planet could sustain was never in question. Wars didn’t slow repopulation, but slammed conservation. Industries detest any carbon bargain as discriminatory regulation and would rather pay fines instead.

Despite headcount, it’s been indisputably proven that humans induce ecological decline. But who wants to admit blame or collusion? London smog lifted once burning coal ceased. Aggressive air quality regulations improved Los Angeles. What humans did can be undone. Once nature no longer supports life, extinction follows. Have we already reached the point of no return? Fear of doom dominates art, has already become a whole genre of paranoia films: bees, birds, bugs, dystopia, sharks, snakes, toxins, viruses, wastelands, zombies.

You can now visit Chernobyl, Fukushima and Three Mile Island disaster sites, but still must wear a dosimeter and protective clothing. Only takes one exposure of 100 rads in 8 hours to kill you from cancer or leukemia. There’s no telling what you might get in a one megaton nuclear blast, up to 10 times that within the first 48 hours. Cancer is already a pandemic, mostly due to petroleum use and radiation leaks. Why risk that by inciting ill will, installing fission reactors in your neighborhood, making insane demands, and negotiating in bad faith? Tough talk betrays weakness. True strength requires no explanation, qualification, or repetition.

See so many texting and typing their lives away, wonder what they're trying to say, what they expect to achieve, or who they hope to deceive. Consensus doesn’t assure truth. Throughout history, most of what humans agreed upon or believed alone couldn't be proven. Experts in a field should be given more credence than street rabble who can’t ace an arithmetic quiz. But monetary motivation and moral corruption strangle truth and subvert perception. Given catastrophic potential of doing nothing, logic dictates careful study of real causes and reasons behind 3% disagreement. Makes sense to dismiss a few naysayers as spokespeople for those for whom climate fixes would interfere with investments. Automotive, Big Oil, coal miners, industrialists, truckers can all afford to bribe scientists to lie on their behalf; so can venture capitalists for green startups. Lowbrows defend conspiracy theories and self delusions.

Personally test own choices, conclusions and resolutions. Practiced net negative carbon footprint and population growth. Produced and saved costs over compensation by a factor of 5. Owe no one. Expect and waste nothing. Am tempted to carry around a bar of wax to write warnings on car windows, not windshields, when drivers park illegally, especially in spots designated for the handicapped. It would be writing that would be read, provoke reaction, rise above apathy, unlike most of what's otherwise offered. To sacrifice own wealth for community's welfare is your strongest stance, unlike parasites and politicians who merely redirect what’s yours among favored groups.

Consensus is only heartwarming among those similarly minded, worth little among indifferent rabble. Anyway, don’t desire or require validation. Just because something once worked for you doesn't mean it will work now for anyone else. Persons are packages of particular looks and talents that may or may no longer suffice, has beens or heroes in the present. No matter what you profess, your message will be something some faction will dismiss due to unfair association by age, orientation or race. “Okay, boomer,” is evident ageism, gutless anthem among those who never been beaten down during peaceful protest to secure rights they take for granted, so will lose them. Don the Despot Trump is a boomer, as was Dubya Bush and Slick Willy Clinton, all born in 1946, but only one among them was a Rhodes Scholar. Arguably, Barry Obama was nation's only Gen X president to date, and only Nobel Peace Prize winner since Jimmy Carter.

There are plenty of reasons you wouldn’t want to communicate. Bad behaviors increase risks in billions of ways. Blogs, conversations and street corners are monitored. Though they claim they want to be heard, people never shut up, want ever more if your time, won't ever be satisfied. You're almost safer among wild animals. If peace is your goal, isolate yourself on a deserted island. Great invention, Caller ID: Answer no calls from collection agents, only fronts for organized crime. Being exposed in blogs and social media nudges you into crosshairs of scammers, who use what little they learn against you. It's too easy to lure people into something they don't need or want. Government notifies you by USPS mail. Scammers would add felony mail fraud if they decided to affix postage, but there's no misdemeanor for email or phone fraud, just civil suits, which are hard to mount and seldom recover losses.

Best forms of communication read people's minds, suggest new perspectives, think beyond boundaries to anticipate needs and inspire improvement proactively. This precludes catering and validating. Unique refuses to be dismissed or pigeonholed. Those who waltz through life with blinders on, who won't observe how others suffer from their acts of omission and transgression, warrant leaders who'll betray, rape and slaughter them. Aggression and neglect invite retaliation. Comforts carry hefty costs. Someone has to pay, though millionaires want to spread costs among current masses and future generations while evading own taxes. Pardon? If you're worth more than rest it’s a privilege to pay in a higher bracket. Amassing that much doesn’t make life any easier, either, just a struggle to keep surplus you'll never spend. Trick of trickle-down is it never created jobs, painfully obvious and repeatedly proven, pabulum and propaganda politicians use to hoodwink rubes and stooges.

Someday without warning you'll be given a choice to do what's honorable. Consider carefully. Sacrifices you make out of fairness and justice will best serve everyone’s wellbeing, including yours. Selfish greed and spiteful opportunism will damn and haunt you for eternity, invoke God’s vengeance. Sociopaths, however, have no guilt, never graduated past infantile need and teenage jealousy. Why care about how others conduct themselves, unless it impacts you personally? The real abomination is when a nazi fraud sets himself upon a throne in judgment over hard working, honest innocents who deserve better.

Guilty of ignoring what's important? Does negativity include people you just don't want to hear? No sense of duty to those who've turned cynical out of needs you didn’t fulfill? Is peace an earnest aspiration or final destination? Even graves are no resting place, corpses disinterred for land grabs. Such advice never reaches those too busy doing right or having fun. Conversations change corespondents, could cause growth, improves civilization. Life is confusing, messy, risky and therefore wonderful. Bono sang, “When you stop taking chances, you stay where you sit. You won’t live any longer, but it’ll feel like it.” Does this meme mean to ignore wretches you've exploited without conscience? Psychologists agree the primary reason for today’s epidemic of male suicides is silence. Heeding society's discontents leads directly to authentic life experiences though it increases risks.

Smart people constitute a minuscule minority. If democracy rules, they are actually outsiders, deemed among the unhinged fringe whose actions are akin to sadomasochist and skinhead sin. They probably ought to keep every opinion to themselves lest they confuse lamebrains and invite retaliation. It's conceivable there are individuals who think so clearly they can see through any scam, solve any problem, and view rest of humanity as if an insect swarm. However, revelations come to whoever is active or awake enough to invite them, and they never demand explanation or qualification, as does sales persuasion. It's almost proof of falsehood when someone has to lecture nonstop to convince anybody.

This barrage of agitation does provoke counterproductive polarization. Although exhausting, what’s required is to weigh merit of every argument and wend own way accordingly. When boomers were teens, they had little to go on. Information wasn’t so easily fact checked over internet. Based decisions instead upon common sense, fuzzy intuitions, gut feelings, moral codes, past experiences, scant data, or stubborn prejudice. These become awesome practices in an age of propaganda. Among authentic correspondents today you have axe grinders, bogus bloggers, disreputable publicists, fake reporters, official liars, scam artists, sedition broadcasters, and social backstabbers. Pays to remain skeptical.

Not one candidate in this election cycle laid out any visionary path forward. Effective policy requires intelligence to consider every aspect of all issues, how one effects another, what can be postponed, what must be prioritized. Survival always comes first with room for civility, etiquette, niceties. Greed, divisive posturing, misappropriation of public treasury, outright criminality, suborning lies and perjury (so common in congressional testimony it is cliche), and whatever doesn’t result in sensible compromise has no place on a national level. Eyewitness testimony ought to be encouraged and heard.

Parallels decades between wars in Germany a century ago, a gradual build up to nazi dictatorship, which led to constitutional overthrow and coups by thugs emboldened by those who bought into false hopes of criminal crackdowns, full employment, and infrastructure improvements, then closed eyes to genocides. And pharaohs whipped millions of slaves to build monuments to themselves, not what you'd call share the wealth or social justice.

Root causes of dysfunctional government include both integrity of politicians and system itself. Many narcissists, nazis, self aggrandizers, and sociopaths are drawn to positions of power. Normal people shy away from scrutiny. Those in office would never get away at real jobs with cheating, lying and making empty promises. Campaign financing means they have to cater to billionaires, creating devastating wealth disparity, and foreign warlords, leaving nation vulnerable to financial and military attack. All this could be cured by treating congressional service as if jury duty. Qualified candidates could be pulled from a pool of people between 30 and 50 years old, vetted for intelligence and psychological health (which would exclude many currently in office), with right of refusal based on family hardships. Pay them like sports stars, millions for 6-year contracts, with cuts should they be recalled. This resembles what the founding fathers intended, vital land owners conscripted into roles of representing neighbors, and sacks career louts who hang around until decrepit and senile, selling votes to whoever pays the most. Precedents exist for discriminating against age or youth in crucial roles, including not being able to vote until 21 years old, and mandatory retirement of pilots and police. But random selection would include women, who are nearly ignored and not currently represented as half the population. For the Senate, only those who’ve previously served a term in The House would be eligible. Presidents, too, should have previously served as legislators.

What would be the consequences of eliminating imperial aggression? History shows that England was none the worse after relinquishing control over Hong Kong, India, and other colonies. US interjects itself into every civil war, regional instability, and tribal squabble, when should only be there alongside UN overseers upon their request. No harm in patrolling seas to protect commercial fishing and shipping, but parking just offshore to intimidate probably backfires by losing more support than gaining. Shows of force make Americans more vulnerable, though irreparable damage has already been done, spent every credit from helping win WWII, spun lies to start subsequent actions in Afghanistan, Balkans, Iraq, Korea, Viet Nam, so warmongers alone could profit. Yet quality of life might diminish for lucky 10% who can spend on something other than debt interest. Readily availability of imported materials, in particular oil, would decline. The average motorists could no longer afford gasoline, though people still drive everywhere in Europe, where pump prices are higher by factors of 3 to 6, since they don’t possess own reserves as does USA. Electronic gadgets would cost more without slaves assembling them overseas, though minimum wage American assemblers could certainly handle.

Producing stuff locally for own consumption rates as an effective alternative to fuel wasting international shipping. One could argue that any savings through cheap labor cost are lost before product arrives at mail or retail outlets. In truth, shipping is done only to maintain industrial monopoly and intellectual property, how a thing is made and spread, so a select few profit. Allowing many factories to produce locally means distributing knowledge and losing control. After you make an expensive purchase, you are charged unjustified fees to use it. Computers more frequently go obsolete while crucial data and forms are increasingly transferred into internet sites, which demands your repeated investment. All this is by design, no coincidence at all. No longer a tool, a computer is a pricey ticket into an expensive amusement park.

Holding a job to earn money to survive is a demeaning and limiting construct. There are alternatives. Explore venture capital startups. Run for office. Start a religion. Parasites and scammers make more money doing these things than honest workers. Prisons are full. All wealth derives directly from only three industries: agribusiness, manufacturing, or mining. Oddly, employees in these industries are the least paid, with profits often marginal, because there is no social justice. Farmers keep you alive, and many go bust on abusive land taxes. Miners mortgage homes and lose them when dirt doesn't pay. And manufacturing assemblers must compete with slave labor abroad. Parasites win, producers lose.

Why should Rhode Islanders care? Because ills of entire country blow up over Watch Hill’s Napatree Dune across this nondescript state, whether political retribution or prevailing weather. Conservatives avenge disloyalty, cut funding for liberal states. Community either faces competition and rises to meet or slides downward and succumbs to scavenger mentality. Conservatives demonize liberals, because they fear real criminals and figure peaceniks make easy targets. They embrace evil, and need someone to blame who won’t fight back. Although it makes no sense, they group all non-conservative factions together, including moderates, progressives, and whoever won’t kneel before them and pledge allegiance to fascism. Rhode Islanders led the original revolution by burning The Gaspee, still worth considering during tax time, paying to fund their crimes against you. Blame nobody else for your fate if you do nothing.